

Client: EdTechTeacher Purpose: Registration site for their San Diego Conference URL: http://edtechteacher.org/sandiego Screenshots:


This post first appeared on Edudemic and EdTechTeacher's blog True Project Based Learning (PBL) challenges students to acquire deeper knowledge of a concept by establishing connections outside their classroom. According to the research on PBL, the main tenets are to create real world connections, develop critical thinking skills, foster structured collaboration, motivate student driven work, and […]


This post first appeared on Edudemic then EdTechTeacher Fueled by an incredible demand in the workforce for proficient programmers and the need to teach critical thinking skills, the coding movement in schools has exploded. Furthermore, we all communicate through technology, so we should at least know the basic premise of coding because the gadget sitting in […]


Client: EdTechTeacher Purpose: to showcase the different apps teachers could use by learning activity and device. URL: edtechteacher.org/apps Select the app icon to learn more about these video editors, or the blue circles to select another device. A full overview list of apps are below.


Client: EdTechTeacher, a professional development consultancy for teachers Goal: To Market their services and be a expert resources for teachers URL: edtechteacher.org Screenshots:


The world of sailing is not only fun on the water, it is a network of people connected by a common bond of love of the water and wind. So far, most of my work has been made through a sailing comrade's connection like a fellow high school sailing coach asking for help with her company's […]


My secretary, here,will be in touch...