
December 19, 2018


Working in coordination with Chris Love Productions, risingT is helping promote one of the biggest events happening in 2019: the 2019 Transpac Race on social media. This includes working with event coordinators to share important news to the public and competitors. The most successful part of the project for a race this far out is […]

Working in coordination with Chris Love Productions, risingT is helping promote one of the biggest events happening in 2019: the 2019 Transpac Race on social media.

This includes working with event coordinators to share important news to the public and competitors.

The most successful part of the project for a race this far out is welcoming all competitors to the fleet with customized individual posts with photos of their boat.  The social media coordination also includes research in both teams and past events as this is a big anniversary. As of today, this event is already planning on being the largest fleet in the 100+ year history.

Check it out https://www.facebook.com/TranspacRace/